Research laboratory

Biosafety level 1 to 4 (BSL1, BSL2, BSL3, BSL4)

Animal facilities

Research laboratories require a controlled environment for their activities. Depending on the biosafety level, the premises need to be designed and built according to strict requirements that protect laboratory personnel.

LSB has developed solutions to meet these standards and your needs.

laboratoire recherche
  • laboratoire recherche p3
  • laboratoire recherche 2
  • laboratoire niveau 3
  • vestiaire laboratoire

Our range for research laboratories

  • Wall panels, ceilings, floors

  • Wet and dry benches

  • Laboratory furniture

  • Personnel airlock and changing room

Find out more about our products and solutions:

Cleanroom envelope

Cleanroom furniture and design

Turnkey creation

Modular solutions

Do you have a project or question?

Our friendly and helpful team will get back to you within 48 hours