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Our everyday commitments


Our Quality Management System (QMS) monitors each stage of your project, ensuring excellent performance and the health and safety of your teams.


We have worked with project owners and contractors to develop solutions with better integration at the manufacturing stage and to improve control and efficiency.


Our multi-disciplinary engineering office will support you throughout your project, from needs analysis and risk assessment to commissioning and certification.


We adapt to your needs with the option of separate work packages as a cleanroom manufacturer and installer, or a comprehensive turnkey creation as the sole contractor.


Institut Pasteur Dakar

Institut Pasteur Dakar Dakar - SÉNÉGAL The GARAP project, which means medicine in the Wolof language, aims to bring the yellow fever vaccine manufacturing unit at the Institut Pasteur in Dakar into compliance with GMP. LSB La Salle Blanche fitted out the [...]


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